
You must first apply online. Then after applying, you will receive an SMS on your mobile to submit the test fee through Teletalk. I urge you to complete the whole process gradually over time.

Anyone can submit application using Teletalk BR subdomain using their Android phone. In order to submit application to Railways, all types of application process must be completed online through digital system.

There is no way to submit an application offline or in any office except online. You will be able to complete all the application submission system manually through your smartphone. Now everyone has a smartphone in hand. So if you need help in submitting an application, then it would be wise to seek the help of any member of the family who has an Android mobile. The work that can be done by oneself or through someone in the family, it is better not to do the work with the help of outsiders. br. You can apply by going to teletalk.com.bd.